‘Avec le printemps’ around the bend, it’s time to spring forward with some spring-forward recipes from the Tess Kelly collection!
First on the docket, we’ll learn to make a savory tarte of the rough puff variety-i.e. a flaky, laminated dough akin to, but much simpler than a formal puff pastry–that can play host to any medley of veggies and fillings.
As-is culinary tradition across many cultures, lamb serves as a symbol of new life and renewal; and thus will serve us well in our main course…and for dessert, we’ll make a luscious chocolate torte that would make the Easter bunny swoon!
On the menu:
Carrot Tarte with feta + ricotta
Lamb Meatballs with spiced tomato sauce + couscous
Flourless Chocolate Walnut Torte